CAPPSend Installation

How to implement changes into your CAPP system

When you enter the Download Area from our website WWW.CAPPASSOC.COM
(Contact CAPP Associates for the login userid and password.)
Click on the Directory that says CAPP Users.

Locate the name of your college, and click on it.

Download the CAPPSEND.ARC file from the directory which
has your college name.

Do this by right-clicking the CAPPSEND.ARC file, and then select the
Save Link As... option. Or, Left Click on file and Save to Disk.

You will need to download this file into the CAPP Directory on your

If you are downloading this file onto a computer that does not have
the A.S.A.P. Program on it, then you will need 1 blank, formatted,
floppy disk, and you will need to save this file to the disk.

If you are using the floppy disk, you will need to to copy this
file into the CAPP Directory on the
computer that has the A.S.A.P. Program.

The final step in this process is to log on to the A.S.A.P.
Program as usual, and at the main menu, press a Shift+F6.

Then, at the CAPP prompt, type CAPPSEND (Enter)

You will then be presented with 2 options:

1. Install Setup Changes
2. Exit

Select option #1 to install.
You will then be given a selection screen to select your testing
period. Use the arrow key to highlite the correct testing period.
Hit <Enter> to start the update of the specified test period.

If you have any questions about loading your setup changes,
please feel free to contact us at:

CAPP Associates, Inc.
(Computerized Assessment and Placement Programs)
3463 State St. Suite 357
Santa Barbara, CA 93105
Phone  (805) 965-5870
FAX     (805) 965-5807