Cimex Installation

The CAPP Import-Export Program (for ASAP)

Instructions for installing Cimex:

1. From our FTPSITE @ download the files cdisk1.exe & cdisk2.exe.
You will need two blank, PC formatted 3 1/2 floppies (1.44 MB).

2. Copy the first file by right clicking on cdisk1.exe and select: ' SAVE LINK AS...'
In the box that opens up, there is an area marked Save In:
To the right of that box is a little arrow that points down
Click that little arrow.
Click the My Computer icon.
Click the (C:) Icon.
Click the My Documents folder.
Now, CLick Save.

3. Repeat step 2 for cdisk2.exe

Next, we are going to Unzip these files onto the floppy disks.

4. Click on your My Computer on your Windows Desktop.
Click the (C:) icon.
Click the My Documents folder.
Insert a blank, formatted floppy diskette into the 3 1/2 Floppy (A:) drive.
Double click on the file cdisk1.exe
Select 'I Agree' button
Select 'Extract' button
In the box that opens up, there is an area marked Extract To:
type in window A:\
Select ' All Files' and put a check mark next to Overwrite Existing Files
Then click on the Extract Button

5. Remove the disk from the drive, and label it Cimex Disk1 with today's date.

6. Insert a blank, formatted floppy diskette into the 3 1/2 Floppy (A:) drive.
Repeat step 4 for cdisk2.exe

7. Remove the second disk from the drive, and label it Cimex Disk2 with today's date.

Now we are going to run the installation routine.

8. Go to the CAPP computer.
Insert the floppy disk labeled Cimex Disk1
Double Click on the My Computer icon.
Double Click on 3 1/2 Floppy drive (A:) icon.
Double click on the Setup.exe icon.
An installation application entitled Cimex-Capp EXport/IMport will run
At the Welcome screen select Next> button
Confirm the Destination Directory is the correct drive letter and \CAPP directory
Use the Browse button if necessary.
Select 'Next>' button
At the Program Folders screen type Cimex, select 'Next>' button
Select 'Next>' button on the Start Copying Files Window
The installation setup will prompt you for the next disk Cimex Disk2.
At the Installation Complete screen select 'FINISH' button to complete installation

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   Phone_(805) 965-5870
   FAX _ (805) 965-5807

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